TFT Woodexperts Virtual Examination Success

TFT Woodexperts Successfully Deliver the Level 4 Certificate in Wood Science and Timber Technology Examination Via Virtual Session
Level 4 Certificate in Wood Science & Timber Technology Virtual Examination Success
Considering the Covid-19 situation, our long term and valued partner TFT Woodexperts developed a system which enables students to undertake their exams via a virtual platform. Candidates work remotely at their respective company’s premises linked into a zoom session, with an invigilator viewing constantly.
The first virtual examination was held in March 2021, with candidates from five different companies taking part across the full spectrum of the Timber Trade.
The Exam papers were delivered to each location by courier, signed for by a nominated company representative, who unsealed the exam paper in full view of the Woodexpert representative at the appointed time. At the end of the exam, the nominated company representative placed the completed papers in an envelope closed with a TFT seal in full view of a TFT Woodexpert representative, the papers were then couriered back to TFT Woodexperts for the Examiner to mark them.
On completion of marking, it was noted:
- There was no significant difference between the remote and live-tutored students.
- Two of the students scored the highest marks to date with a pass mark in excess of 90%.
- One third of the successful candidates are women, which is quite significant considering that fewer than 20% women are employed in the Construction as a whole.
- One student who passed the exam, English was not their first language.
The Level 4 Certificate in Wood science & Timber Technology course provides in-depth knowledge on Wood as a material and how it performs; as well as a detailed understanding of how and why wood is processed and graded, how the manufacture of wood-based panels influenced their properties and uses.
The course is intended for those in the wood industries who require a better understanding of Wood Science to enable them to solve problems related to specification and use; or to understand how to minimise the problems and wastage that often occur when timber and wood-based products are used inappropriately.
It is ideal for management trainees, middle and senior managers and anyone with a more senior role in ordering, specifying or designing in timber. Successful candidates will be eligible for Membership of the IOM 3 at “Technician level (TIMMM).